Introduction and The Prince

Welcome to Pol 227 Modern Political Philosophy. My name is Barry Murdaco. Hopefully, by now you have had a chance to view the syllabus on Blackboard. If there are any questions, please let me know. Before we get started I would like the class to create their own blogs. Some of you have already, thank you to those who did. I will make a list of the blogs soon, so if you are having trouble (totally normal if this is your first online class) seeing the other blogs might help. Since we will not have regular class discussions, seeing what the other students are up to will help provide a kind of virtual discussion for the class. As is says on the syllabus, each week the class will complete writing assignments based on the readings. Simply choose a quote from the readings each week, write out the quote, explain the meaning of the quote, and then why you chose it. I strongly encourage the class to read each other's posts and comment on them, that will count towards your overall participat...